1.04.1 | The Various Resources on Earth | |
Kepelbagaian Sumber Di Bumi |
- Water, air, soil, minerals, fossil fuels, living things are the basic resources on Earth. Air, udara, tanah, garam mineral, bahan api fosil dan benda hidup adalah sumber asas yang penting di Bumi.
- Water Air
- Water occupies two-third of the Earth's surface. Air meliputi dua per tiga daripada luas permukaan Bumi.
- Makes up 70% of the weight of living things. Kira-kira 70% berat hidupan terdiri daripada air.
- Table 1.04.1 shows the percentages of water in some specimens. Jadual 1.04.1 menunjukkan peratusan kandungan air dalam beberapa spesimen.
- Air Udara
- The main components of air: Komponen utama dalam udara:
- The layer of air around the Earth is called the atmosphere. Lapisan udara di sekeliling permukaan Bumi dipanggil atmosfera.
- Soil and minerals
Tanah dan garam mineral - The soil is the topmost layer on the Earth's surface. The soil is formed when
- rocks are weathered by weathering agents such as wind, heat, water, rain and
- activities of living organisms. Tanah adalah lapisan atas permukaan Bumi. Tanah terbentuk apabila batubatan
- The soil consists of minerals, organic matter, sand particles, water and air. Kandungan utama tanah ialah garam mineral, bahan organik, batu-batan, air dan udara.
- Fossil fuels consist of petroleum, natural gas and coal formed from living things that
- died and were buried for a long time. Bahan api fosil terdiri daripada petroleum, gas asli, dan arang batu yang terbentuk daripada tumbuhan dan haiwan yang mati dan tertimbus di bawah tanah untuk suatu jangka masa yang lama.
- Living things Benda hidup
- Living things such as plants and animals are the main source of our basic
- needs such as food, clothes, construction materials and fuels. Benda hidup seperti tumbuh-tumbuhan dan haiwan merupakan sumber utama
- Examples of food from animal and plant sources.
Contoh sumber makanan daripada haiwan dan tumbuh-tumbuhan
Haiwan/tumbuhanType of food
Jenis makananCowLembuMeat, milk, butter
Daging, susu, mentegaChicken/duckAyam/itikMeat, eggs
Daging, telurFish
IkanMeat, oil
Daging, minyakPaddy/wheat
Padi/gandumGrains, bread, cake
Bijirin, roti, kekCarrot
Lobak merahVegetables
UbatCoconut tree
Pokok kelapaCoconut milk, oil
Lemak santan, minyakOil palm tree
Pokok kelapa, sawitMargarine, food
Marjerin, makananTable 1.04.2
Jadual 1.04.2 - Examples of clothing derived from animals and plants. Contoh sumber pakaian manusia daripada haiwan dan tumbuh-tumbuhan.
- Examples of construction materials derived from animals and plants. Contoh sumber bahan binaan daripada tumbuh-tumbuhan dan haiwan.
Table 1.04.1 The percentages of water in some specimens Jadual 1.04.1 Peratusan kandungan air di dalam beberapa spesimen |
Figure 1.04.1 Air is a mixture of various gases Rajah 1.04.1 Udara terdiri daripada campuran beberapa jenis gas |
- yang mengalami proses luluhawa oleh agen luluhawa seperti angin, haba, air, hujan
- dan aktiviti organisma hidup.
- bagi memenuhi keperluan asas manusia melibatkan makanan, pakaian, bahan
- binaan dan bahan api.
Figure 1.04.2 The sources of food and clothes Rajah 1.04.2 Sumber makanan dan pakaian manusia |
Table 1.04.3 Jadual 1.04.3 |
Table 1.04.4 Jadual 1.04.4 |
1.04.2 | Elements, Compounds and Mixtures | |
Unsur, Sebatian Dan Campuran |
- Elements Unsur
- An element is a substance consisting atoms of one type only. Unsur ialah bahan yang terdiri daripada satu jenis atom sahaja.
- Some elements consist of the same type of atoms attached together to form
- molecules. Sesetengah unsur mempunyai atom-atom sejenis yang bergabung untuk membentuk
- An element cannot be broken down into two or more simpler substances by
- chemical or physical processes. Unsur-unsur tidak boleh dipecahkan lagi kepada bahan yang lebih ringkas melalui
- An element can occur in the form of a solid, liquid or gas. Unsur boleh wujud dalam rupa bentuk pepejal, cecair dan gas.
- Elements can be classified into two groups, i.e. metals and non-metals. Unsur boleh dikelaskan kepada dua jenis iaitu logam dan bukan logam.
- Metals Unsur logam
- Example of metals are aluminium, iron, copper, magnesium and others. Jenis unsur logam termasuk aluminium, besi, kuprum, magnesium dan lain-lain lagi.
- All metals except mercury exist as solids at room temperature. Semua logam kecuali merkuri wujud dalam bentuk pepejal pada suhu bilik.
- Non-metals Unsur bukan logam
- Example of non-metal are carbon, sulphur, bromine, chlorine and others. Jenis unsur bukan logam termasuk karbon, sulfur, bromin, klorin dan lain-lain lagi.
- Non-metals can occur in all three states, i.e. solid, liquid and gas, at room temperatures. Bukan logam boleh wujud dalam tiga bentuk iaitu pepejal, cecair dan gas pada
- The differences of properties between metals and non-metals.
Perbezaan sifat antara logam dengan bukan logam. - Compounds Sebatian
- A compound is made up of two or more elements chemically combined together. Sebatian terbentuk daripada dua atau lebih unsur berlainan jenis yang berpadu secara kimia.
- A compound can only be separated into its component elements by chemical processes. Sebatian terdiri daripada zarah-zarah molekul yang hanya diurai secara tindak balas kimia.
- The composition of elements in a compound is fixed Komposisi unsur bagi sesuatu sebatian adalah tetap.
- Mixtures Campuran
- A mixture consists of two or more elements or compounds physically mixed together. Campuran terdiri daripada dua atau lebih unsur atau sebatian yang bercampur
- A mixture has no bonding between its components. Therefore its components can be
- easily separated physically by distillation, filtration and chromatography. Campuran tidak mempunyai sebarang ikatan antara komponennya. Oleh itu komponen-
- The differences between compounds and mixtures Perbezaan antara sebatian dengan campuran
- The differences between a mixture of iron and sulphur with the compound iron(II) sulphide. Perbezaan antara campuran besi dan sulfur dengan sebatian besi(II) sulfida.
- molekul.
- kaedah kimia atau fizikal.
- suhu bilik.
Metals Logam | Non-metals Bukan logam |
Have shiny surfaces Mempunyai permukaan berkilau | Have dull surfaces Mempunyai permukaan pudar |
Can be polished Boleh digilap | Cannot be polished Tidak boleh digilap |
Are good conductors of heat and electricity Konduktor haba dan konduktor elektrik yang baik | Are weak conductors of heat and electricity Konduktor haba dan konduktor elektrik yang lemah |
Have high melting and boiling points Takat lebur dan takat didih tinggi | Have low melting and boiling points Takat lebur dan takat didih rendah |
Have high density Ketumpatan tinggi | Have low density Ketumpatan rendah |
Malleable Boleh ditempa | Not malleable Tidak boleh ditempa |
Ductile Mulur | Brittle Rapuh |
Table 1.04.5 The properties of metals and non-metals
Jadual 1.04.5 Sifat-sifat logam dan bukan logam
Compound Sebatian | Composition per molecule Kandungan per molekul |
Carbon dioxide Karbon dioksida | One carbon atom Two oxygen atoms Satu atom karbon Dua atom oksigen |
Sodium chloride Natrium klorida | One sodium atom One chlorine atom Satu atom natrium Satu atom klorin |
Benzene Benzena | Six carbon atoms Six hydrogen atoms Enam atom karbon Enam atom hidrogen |
Methane Metana | One carbon atom Four hydrogen atoms Satu atom karbon Empat atom hidrogen |
Ammonia Ammonia | One nitrogen atom Three hydrogen atoms Satu atom nitrogen Tiga atom hidrogen |
Water Air | One oxygen atom Two hydrogen atoms Satu atom oksigen Dua atom hidrogen |
Table 1.04.6 Some compounds and their compositions
Jadual 1.04.6 Beberapa sebatian dan kandungannya
| ||||||
Figure 1.04.3 The elements in a compound of carbon dioxide Rajah 1.04.3 Unsur-unsur dalam sebatian karbon dioksida |
- secara fizikal.
- komponennya boleh diasingkan dengan mudah secara fizikal seperti penyulingan,
- penurasan, dan kromatografi.
Mixture Campuran | Compound Sebatian |
The physical characteristics of its elements are retained Sifat fizikal unsur dikekal | The physical characteristics of its compound are change Sifat fizikal sebatian berubah |
The ratio of its components is not fixed Nisbah bahan campuran tidak tetap | The ratio of its elements is fixed Nisbah unsur-unsur tetap |
No changes in energy occur Tiada perubahan tenaga | Involves energy changes Terdapat perubahan tenaga |
No new substance is formed Tiada bahan baru dihasilkan | A new substance is formed Bahan baru dihasilkan |
Can be physically separated Boleh diasingkan secara fizikal | Cannot be physically separated Tidak boleh diasingkan secara fizikal |
No chemical reaction Tiada tindak balas kimia | Compound formed by chemical reaction Sebatian terbentuk melalui tindak balas kimia |
Table 1.04.7 The differences between compounds and mixtures
Jadual 1.04.7 Perbezaan antara sebatian dengan campuran
Iron and sulphur mixture Campuran besi dan sulfur | Iron(II) sulphide Sebatian besi(II) sulfida |
Elements: iron and sulphur Unsur asal: besi dan sulfur | Elements: iron and sulphur Unsur asal: besi dan sulfur |
Iron and sulphur can still be detected Besi dan sulfur dapat dilihat dengan jelas | A new black substance is formed Bahan baru berwarna hitam terbentuk |
Iron is attracted to a magnet Besi tertarik kepada magnet | No attraction to a magnet Tiada perubahan dengan magnet |
Iron reacts with hydrochloric acid to release hydrogen Besi bertindak balas dengan asid hidroklorik untuk membebaskan gas hidrogen | Iron sulphide reacts with hydrochloric acid to release hydrogen Besi bertindak balas dengan asid untuk membebaskan gas hidrogen sulfida |
Sulphur dissolves in carbon disulphide Sulfur larut dalam karbon disulfida | No reaction with carbon disulphide Tiada tindak balas dengan karbon disulfida |
No heat is released upon mixing Tiada haba dibebaskan semasa campuran | Energy is released upon reaction Tenaga haba dibebaskan semasa tindak balas |
Table 1.04.8 Differences between a mixture of iron and sulphur and the compound
of iron sulphide
Jadual 1.04.8 Perbezaan antara campuran besi dan sulfur dengan sebatian
besi(II) sulfida
1.04.3 | The Importance of Earth's Resources | |
Kepentingan Kepelbagaian Sumber dI Bumi |
- The importance of water to humans and animals. Water… Kepentingan air kepada manusia dan haiwan. Air…
- retains the moisture of the lungs surfaces. mengekalkan kelembapan permukaan peparu.
- dissolves the secretion from digestive organs. melarutkan rembesan dari-pada organ-organ pencernaan.
- dilutes blood. mencairkan darah.
- dissolves food substances and gases. melarutkan bahan makanan dan gas-gas.
- transports food substance and gases. mengangkut bahan-bahan makanan dan gas.
- acts as a medium for chemical processes and body metabolism. bertindak sebagai medium untuk proses kimia dan metabolisme badan.
- regulates the body temperature through sweating. mengawal suhu badan melalui pengeluaran peluh.
- The importance of water to plants. Water… Kepentingan air kepada tumbuhan. Air…
- is needed for photosynthesis and germination. diperlukan untuk proses fotosintesis dan percambahan biji benih.
- dissolves minerals and other substances. melarutkan garam mineral serta bahan lain.
- regulates heat lose from a plant through transpiration. mengawal suhu tumbuhan melalui proses transpirasi.
- makes plant cells turgid. menyebabkan sel-sel tumbuhan menjadi segah.
- Other than for the living processes, humans need water for everyday activities such as transport
- and shipping, hydroelectric power generation, recreation, cooking, drinking, and washing. Selain daripada proses hidup, manusia memerlukan air untuk aktiviti harian seperti pengangkutan dan perkapalan, penjanaan kuasa elektrik hidro, rekreasi, memasak, minum dan membasuh.
- The importance of air. Kepentingan udara.
- Air contains oxygen that is needed for breathing, combustion and decay. Udara mengandungi oksigen yang diperlukan untuk pernafasan, pembakaran dan pereputan.
- The carbon dioxide in the air is needed by plants for photosynthesis. Karbon dioksida dalam udara pula diperlukan oleh tumbuhan untuk proses fotosintesis.
- The importance of soil to plants. Kepentingan tanah kepada tumbuhan.
- Plants need water and minerals for growth. Tumbuhan memerlukan air dan mineral untuk membesar.
- The roots of plant in the soil need air for respiration. Akar tumbuhan memerlukan udara dalam tanah untuk proses respirasi.
- The importance of soil for humans and animals. Kepentingan tanah kepada manusia dan haiwan.
- Soil is a habitat for some species of organisms such as earthworms, rats and snakes. Tanah merupakan habitat bagi beberapa hidupan seperti cacing tanah, tikus, dan ular.
- Humans use soil for agriculture and farming, preparing housing sites, supplying fuel
- and mineral and manufacturing pottery and glass. Manusia menggunakan tanah untuk pertanian dan penternakan, penyediaan tapak rumah,
- Fossil fuels are used in vehicles and for cooking. Bahan api fosil digunakan untuk enjin kenderaan dan juga untuk memasak.
- The importance of living things to humans. Kepentingan benda hidup kepada manusia.
- Plants and animals are sources of fuel. Haiwan dan tumbuhan juga merupakan sumber bahan api.
- Fuels are needed for cooking, heating, supplying light and providing energy to run vehicles. Bahan api diperlukan oleh manusia untuk memasak, memanaskan badan,
- Conservation and preservation of Earth's resources is important… Pemeliharaan dan pemuliharaan sumber di Bumi penting…
- to prevent extinction of certain animals and plants. untuk menghalang haiwan dan tumbuhan daripada ancaman kepupusan.
- to maintain the composition of air. untuk memastikan bahawa kandungan gas-gas di udara sentiasa seimbang.
Figure 1.04.4 Human need water Rajah 1.04.4 Manusia memerlukan air |
- pembekalan bahan api, pembekalan garam mineral dan bahan kimia, dan pembuatan bikar dan kaca.
- membekalkan cahaya, dan sebagai sumber tenaga untuk jentera dan mesin.
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